LABYRINTH. When we walk the labyrinth, the mysterious winding path becomes a metaphor for our spiritual journey. It becomes a mirror reflecting the place where we stand in our lives. [Grace Cathedral, San Francisco]
Advent is blessed to have a seven circuit, outdoor labyrinth that is open for public use. The labyrinth is located to the left of the parking lot, on the side of the building past the pavilion. Our labyrinth was lovingly designed and installed by Advent member Ricky Santee for his Eagle Scout project. Advent member Tom Santee, Ricky's younger brother, cleaned and repaired the labyrinth for his Eagle Scout project.
Some may confuse a labyrinth with a maze. While both may be winding paths, a labyrinth offers a clear pathway toward its center, which represents God. A labyrinth is a wonderful spiritual tool that helps the one who walks it to achieve a contemplative state of openness to God's presence and leading.
There are many ways to walk the labyrinth. One easy way is to spend some time in prayer prior to entering the labyrinth. Quiet your mind and be present to God, perhaps by saying a prayer of preparation. When you are ready, proceed onto the path. Remember, this is not a race. Take your time and allow the path to guide you deeper into the presence of God. When you arrive at the center, spend some time in quiet prayer with God. Unburden that which weighs heavily on your soul, allowing God to comfort and strengthen you. When you are ready, follow the same pathway you took in back out again, breathing in God's presence with each step, sensing the love of God surrounding you on the journey back into the world.
For more information about labyrinths, visit The Labyrinth Society.
Advent is blessed to have a seven circuit, outdoor labyrinth that is open for public use. The labyrinth is located to the left of the parking lot, on the side of the building past the pavilion. Our labyrinth was lovingly designed and installed by Advent member Ricky Santee for his Eagle Scout project. Advent member Tom Santee, Ricky's younger brother, cleaned and repaired the labyrinth for his Eagle Scout project.
Some may confuse a labyrinth with a maze. While both may be winding paths, a labyrinth offers a clear pathway toward its center, which represents God. A labyrinth is a wonderful spiritual tool that helps the one who walks it to achieve a contemplative state of openness to God's presence and leading.
There are many ways to walk the labyrinth. One easy way is to spend some time in prayer prior to entering the labyrinth. Quiet your mind and be present to God, perhaps by saying a prayer of preparation. When you are ready, proceed onto the path. Remember, this is not a race. Take your time and allow the path to guide you deeper into the presence of God. When you arrive at the center, spend some time in quiet prayer with God. Unburden that which weighs heavily on your soul, allowing God to comfort and strengthen you. When you are ready, follow the same pathway you took in back out again, breathing in God's presence with each step, sensing the love of God surrounding you on the journey back into the world.
For more information about labyrinths, visit The Labyrinth Society.